Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases (GE)博客來好書好物狂銷


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Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases (GE)博客來好書好物狂銷曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases (GE)博客來好書好物狂銷誠意推薦給大家看喔!




內容簡介: 博客來網路書店信貸 Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage has kept its streamlined look, resisting the tendency to let the text get longer with every new edition. By maintaining this approach, students develop only the most crucial decision making skills, without having to skim through pages of irrelevant bulk.

1.The VRIO Framework: A theory-based, multi-chapter organizing mechanism that provides a decision-making framework for students to use in analyzing business situations.

博客來2.The Fundamental Concepts: Even though this text is streamlined, it still contains all the core ideas and theories essential to a strategy course. Ideas such as five forces framework, value chain analysis, generic strategies and corporate strategy are included. And because the VRIO framework provides a single integrative structure, the text addresses key issues that have been ignored elsewhere such as vertical integration, outsourcing, real options logic, mergers and acquisitions, and more.

3.Present Specific Issues in a Flexible Format:One of the great features of this text is the flexibility it allows both the student and professor. Each chapter has four short sections that present specific issues in more depth, allowing the professor and the student to adapt the text to their particular needs

望門閨秀 5

待字閨中 卷1 吾家有女

破日 卷5



庶女攻略第二部:卷8 初成長

良田千頃 卷7 天賜良緣(完)

江山美人謀 卷5 戰群雄

待字閨中 卷3 宿世冤家

一品江山第二部 卷4 相見歡



  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/01/15
  • 語言:英文

Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases (GE)博客來好書好物狂銷

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Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases (GE)博客來好書好物狂銷
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Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage- Concepts and Cases (GE)博客來好書好物狂銷


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